There are veins in the retina that drain blood out of the retina, back to the heart. If those veins become blocked, this can cause fluid leakage, which can lead to vision loss. If you experience a sudden loss of your central vision or a blurry or missing area of vision, call our office at once.
- Sudden, painless loss of vision
- Sudden increase in floating spots or flashing lights
- Blurred or missing area of vision

A blocked vein can cause leakage of blood into the retina and vision loss. This is known as a branch vein occlusion and can be treated with medication or a laser.
Causes of Retinal Vein Occlusion
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Glaucoma, diabetes and other conditions
Treatment for Retinal Vein Occlusion
The type of treatment depends on the cause of the blockage and the extent of the damage. A laser can be used to reduce leakage and the growth of abnormal new blood vessels.